Tuesday, November 22, 2016

2D Class Week 13 Concept Round 03 (Value Pass 02)

Time Spent: 9.5 hours

I've once again continued in my quest to finish modeling the scarecrow teams well and animation. This time around, Doug provided an additional rig for the bird to fly around the character and roost on his hat. I animated the scarecrow in an idle that leads into him accidentally throwing off his left arm to the ground. The crow then picks up the arm and brings it back to him.

Well model shaded.

Well model wireframe

This image shows some of the animation keys I created in Maya of our happy scarecrow sitting on a fence. The crow reacts to the scarecrows larger movements, and tries to flap his wings in order to stay placed on his hat.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice work this round! I really like the shapes and the animations. Make sure the anim loop correctly with the arm returning to the body.
